Affiliates are organizations (private or public) that subscribe to and support the objectives of the African Federation for Gifted and Talent and in tandem with such terms as are approved by The World Talent Federation.

Such organizations usually apply to AFGT Headquarters for recognition and approval. Once approved, they will equally listed by The World Talent Federation.

Affiliates usually have demonstrated and a strong history of advocacy and direct support of the Gifted and Talented (Children, Youth and Adults).

Since its inception in 2010, The African Federation for Gifted and Talented has received applications and approved a number of affiliates.

We feature some of the strong cases below:

  1. International Gifted Education Teacher-Development Network (IGET – Network, LLC) (
  2. Africa Centre for Anthropometric Research, Education, Testing and Management – ACARETM (
  3. Kenya National Association of Parents (
  4. GATES Africa Education Group (
  5. African Nazarene University (
  6. Jaramogi Oginga Odinga University of Science and Technology – JOOUST (
  1. Mary Hill Secondary School (
  2. Braeside Schools (
  3. Makini School (
  4. Moi Girls’ High School – Eldoret (
  5. Ongalo Secondary School (
  6. Musingu High School (
  7. Busitema University (
  8. Africa Youth for Peace and Development – AYPAD (
  9. Global Network for Good Governance – GNGG (
  10. Future Leaders Underprivileged Children’s Centre (
  11. Hope for Africa International (
  12. YouthNet and Counselling – YONECO (
  13. Youth for Empowering Society – YES (
  14. SOS Childrens Villages – Kenya (
  15. Kenya Alliance for the Advancement of Children’s Rights (KAACR) (